Jouiti, Abdulkarim
Al maghariba المغاربة (The North Africans)
Nominated for the 2017 International Prize for Arabic Fiction.
The North Africans follows the central character, Mohammed al-Ghafaqi and his relationships with his grandfather, the Pasha, his military brother and the neighbors' servant girl whom he loves. It tells of how he is struck by blindness and of the broker who betrays him and steals his wife. Interwoven with this central narrative are the stories of the grandfather, the graveyard of skulls and other tales interlinked with political and social resonance.
جــائزة المغرب للـرواية سنة 2017
يروي الكاتب المغربي عبد الكريم جويطي في هذه الرواية حكاية "محمد الغافقي"، بطلها وشخصيتها المحورية، لترصد علاقة الأخير بجده الباشا، وشقيقه العسكري، وإصابته بالعمى، وتعلقه بخادمة الجيران، ثم قصة السمسار الذي غدر به وخانه بأخذ زوجته منه. وفي خضم الحكاية الرئيسية، تدور حكايات تتداخل بحكاية البطل "محمد الغافقي"، الضرير، ومنها حكاية جده الباشا، وحكاية مقبرة الجماجم، وحكايات أخرى لها وظائفها ومضامينها وامتداداتها وتشابك خيوطها الاجتماعية والسياسية..
Abdul-Kareem Jouaity was born in Beni Mellal, capital of the Tadla-Azilal province of Morocco, in 1962 and currently works as director of the Ministry of Culture for this region. He is the author of six novels: Night of the Sun (1992) winner of the Moroccan Writers’ Union Prize for Young Authors, Pomegranate of the Insane (1998), City of Brass (2004), Celebrations of Death (1996) translated into French, Yellow Morella (2002) and Platoon of Ruin (2007), IPAF-longlisted in 2009.